4G Coverage and Mobile Phones Signal Network Optimization for XL

Industrial repeaters are designed to amplify specific sub bands of the mobile system that usually belong to one specific mobile operator. It helps mobile operators to fill in the gaps of BTS, helps BTS to optimize the network performance and achieves the goal of seamless coverage.

Huaptec industrial repeaters are strictly made to comply with ETSI, 3GPP and 3GPP2 standards, and with the use of IF SAW filters, the out of band rejection of the repeater is quite good that it only supports specific band of the frequencies.

Case: Huaptec Triple  Band Digital Band Selective Repeater to optimize XL 4G mobile phones signal network coverage in Indonesia

Mobile Operators: XL

Site: Main Office Bank Mayapada of Indonesia

Model: DS20T-GDW with NMS (remote monitoring software), supports 2G, 3G and 4G at the same time

4G Coverage for XL